




\\C O N C E P T


The Collection is inspired by Pablo Piccaso's line drawings and his unique way of painting faces. Synthetic Cubist Work - working through forms of abstraction and breaking them down and reconstructing it.

“I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them. The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do? “ 


\\I N S P I R A T I O N


“ Love, Sex and Death are linked in this ecstatic dance “ 

The painting appears to be a Joyful Celebration Composition of three dancers. But the picture is more complicated than it first appears. What seems to be a happy celebration of life is in fact savage dance of death echoing traditional European medieval engravings. The painting is also about the war emotions, lust, guilt and grief. It may also tell the story of a violent love triangle between his friend and  his another friend and wife. Also, the it was painted at the time when Picasso had fallen out of love with his first wife. All in all, he translates the multi-dimensional, informationally complicated painting he pioneered in his cubist discoveries from the material to the psychic realm. 



\\M O O D



\\T E X T I L E D E S I G N



\\O N E L I N E L O O K B O O K



\\T E C H N I C A L




\\F L A T S L I N E S H E E T